2012 m. balandžio 15 d., sekmadienis

Psychology of Self-Esteem

 People have heard about psychology of self-esteem, but not many of them know what actually it is, how to improve it and what influence self-esteem does on people.
  Some people say that "self-esteem comes from estimable acts". But is it true? Some researchers describe it as overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. Unfortunately, they don't mention the problems of low self-esteem. Dr Fuller emphasizes problems of self-esteem. People tend to make "blocks" for themselves to make correct actions. They have negative core beliefs, for example "I can't succeed", "I'm not deserved that", "I'm unlovable" and etc. Moreover, one more problem is that people do not resolve painful or traumatic experiences, which leave a big mark into their self-esteem and so they don't trust themselves. In addition, self-esteem is developed largely through interactions with important others, especially parents, siblings, peers, teachers, mentors, children, employers and romantic partners. And as a consequence, we trust in ourselves or not.

   Now let’s talk about people with low self-esteem and healthy self-esteem and how to recognise them. At first, people with low self-esteem rely on the opinions of others and compare themselves with others while people with healthy self-esteem are capable to assess themselves and still be able to value and accept themselves unconditionally. They know their strengths and limitations realistically but it doesn’t disturb them to live.

   Also, there are some tips to raise your self-esteem, according to Dr Fuller, I will mention the most important ones. The first one is to pay attention to your own needs and wants. It also includes activities such as relaxation, eating healthy food, exercising, dressing clothes you like. Moreover, it is advisable to give yourself awards for doing something good. Also, people who want to increase their self-esteem have to do things that make use of their talents and the most important that they shouldn’t be afraid of doing something new, for example communicating with people who treat them good or make a discussion while eating a meal with others.

   To conclude, there are just some factors to improve low self-esteem that could help others to change their lives. Every person is worth for love, respect, happiness and luck. And the most important thing that people are worth to respect themselves, to trust themselves and live the way they want.


2012 m. balandžio 9 d., pirmadienis

Summary: The Mystery Of Memory

   Over the centuries it was interesting to know what memory is and how to improve it. The first discoveries were made about long-term and short-term memory.
   The human brain contains 100 billion nerve cells and each can make up to 100000 connections with cells, which are close to. When a new memory is created, a new connection springs there.
   Memory includes recovering factors, for instance, procedural memory explains how to do something, while declarative memory describes that, for example, something with all its components is called a bicycle or something else.
   There are also other interesting phenomenons about memory. For instance, recognition versus recall. It's very hard to recall faces when actually it's easy to recognize them when you see them. It's difficult to remember more than 15, for example, photos after seeing them, but when a person sees them, he or she can recognize them and the amount could reach 10000 or even more.
   The one more sort of memory is photographic memory. Children who are less than age eight can remember snapshot-like fragments, associated with smells or tastes of colours. Most of us lose this ability when grow up.
   There are some strategies to remember forgotten things. It's easier way to retrieve information by remembering things about the situation or person's name we want to remember. We can give some questions for ourselves, for example, 'Where I met that person?' or 'Why I was in that situation?' And the main point is that every factor is stored in different area of the brain.
   To conclude, neuroscientists still try to discover what is the bond between brain processes and brain regions that lets us know everything properly.

References:http://beamazinglearning.wordpress.com/tag/working-memory/ (looked at 2012.04.09.)
http://editastonciute.blogspot.com/2010/11/mystery-of-memory.html (looked at 2012.04.09.)
Longman. "Focus On Advanced English C.A.E.", Series editor Sue O'Connell, 2007